USECON at “Users in Focus”

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Participation and User Experience

What do participation platforms for civic participation in an increasingly digitalised society look like and how do they work? A growing number of online platforms and tools support civic participation. The – political, societal and economic – success of these platforms rise and fall with the continuing usage. 

One question occurs: What does the ideal participation environment look like and how do you create it? Some local companies in the fields of softare, consulting, design, etc. have been living participation for a while and can give some insights. Building on this, the usage of user-centred designs in participation processes and -platforms need to be evaluated, to increase their potential and success.

Users in Focus

Markus Murtinger will be part of the discussion group on 13. April 2016: how can user-centred innovation and design methods of participation platforms be put on the market, from the idea, to the development and then marketing, to make these online platforms a natural tool in participation processes.

Find a recap and some pictures on the Liquid Participation Website.

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