USECON at the conference „Route 2019: Payment Transactions“

Close Up von Markus Murtinger waehrend Vortrag

Payment Services Directive (PSD II) – The Customer in Focus!

We are looking forward to Markus Murtinger‘s talk at the imh GmbH conference „Route 2019: Payment Transactions“.

Markus will be talking on the second day of the conference at 10:15. Subject of his talk will be „PSD II breaks down walls – Closure means losing customers!“.


  • We are only as good as the others are bad
  • Why PSD II is important from a Customer Experience point of view
  • How do Customer Journeys change in the banking industry
  • Effects on customer behavious in the future

These and other important aspects, Markus Murtinger will be looking at in his talk. Do not miss this opportunity and register now!

Route 2019 – Conference – Registration and Programme

The conference will take place from 27.03.2019 to 28.03.2019 in the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna. Find the programme of the conference, the speaker and the possibility to register on the imh conference website.

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