USECON at the conference „Route 2019: Payment Transactions“

Close Up von Markus Murtinger waehrend Vortrag

Payment Services Directive (PSD II) – The Customer in Focus!

We are looking forward to Markus Murtinger‘s talk at the imh GmbH conference „Route 2019: Payment Transactions“.

Markus will be talking on the second day of the conference at 10:15. Subject of his talk will be „PSD II breaks down walls – Closure means losing customers!“.


  • We are only as good as the others are bad
  • Why PSD II is important from a Customer Experience point of view
  • How do Customer Journeys change in the banking industry
  • Effects on customer behavious in the future

These and other important aspects, Markus Murtinger will be looking at in his talk.


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