USECON at the OEPWZ Sales Forum

Alina Koehler und Markus Murtinger sitzen auf einer Couch

Future of Sales

The focus of this conference on the 13th of October lies in the future of sales: Which challenges do sales management and each salesperson face with digital transformation?

Keynotes, practical examples and interactive workshop sessions answers what kind of challenges sales management face and what sales organisations have to adjust to.

Markus Murtinger will talk on 13th of October about “Customer Experience Management in Sales &Distribution” and focus on:

  • Customer Experience Management (CEM) as the basis for successful sales
  • Trends and developments that make the customers go “wow”
  • Challenges in multi- and omni-channels
  • Long-term customer needs and service design

Information: Sales Forum.

(Picture by Mike Ranz)

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