USECON at the OEPWZ Industry 4.0 Congress

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The developments and changes in the sector of industry (Industry 4.0) are one of the most challenging ones of the future.

Companies face groundbreaking readjustments in the human-computer interaction, especially the digitisation of the working space and the tasks for employees which changed.

Industry 4.0 –
The user is the key to success

Markus Murtinger has been invitedt to the congress “Industry 4.0″ on 31st March 2016 for being an expert in the human-centred design process. He will talk about “The user is the key to success – demands and changes of 4.0”.

He will focus on the roles of usability and user experience in the industry, how users can be integrated in the processes and what employee experience and user centred design means in industry 4.0. Find more information on ÖPWZ Website.

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