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CPUX-F Certificate – Usability Training

When reading „High-Fidelity-Prototypes“ the first thing, that comes to your mind is the book bestseller and only the second is the development of design screens in the fields of Usability and User Experience? In this case you should attend a training for becoming a certified UX expert by Austria’s biggest and most experienced company in Usability, User Experience and User Interface Design.

Training for certified Usability and User Experience Expert

Benefit from our comprehensive expertise on paper and in practice. Become a

Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F)

The training prepares you for the foundation level (CPUX-F) certification and will be held by certified Usability and User Experience experts who will train you to pass the exam.

“The certificate “UXQB® Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F)” attests that the certificate holder is familiar with basic terms and concepts of usability and user experience.”

The training is based on the curriculum of the “International Usability and User Experience Board” (UXQB) and finishes with a certification test to become a “„UXQB® Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience — Foundation Level“ (CPUX-F), conducted by the accredited certification provider Certible.

As by 2020, the training is held by our partner AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology.

Usability Experts prepare you

Mag. Werner Jordan has more than 15 years of experience in the fields of Usability, User Experience and User Interface Design and possesses extensive experience in the online field and in the execution of conceptual and strategic User- and Customer Experience projects. Werner was with USECON from 2014 to 2020 and is now Expert Advisor at the Center for Technology Experience at the AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology. He is responsible for the management of complex projects in an intercultural area as well as digital tranformation and organisational change for various national and international clients. Additionally he holds various talks about specific subjects and is a lecturer for product- and innovationmanagement at the FH Oberösterreich and on the course digital expert of the WIFI Salzburg.


The topics and content meet the Curriculum und Glossar of UXQB (PDF), which has been acknowledged by the Association of Usability Professionals (German UPA).

  • Usability principles and guidelines (ISO 9241)
    • Usability & User Experience the difference
    • Dialogue
    • Intuitive and Affordance
    • Standards and guidelines
  • Understanding and specifying the context of use
    • User groups, user group profile and personas
    • Primary user, secondary user and indirect user
    • Scenarios (as-is scenarios)
    • Interviews and observing
  • Specifying the user requirements
    • User needs versus user requirements
    • User requirements a spart of stakeholder requirements
  • Spezifizieren the interaction
    • Modelling the tasks to be supported
    • Interaction specification with user scenarios and storyboards
    • Task object, information architecture and navigation
  • Usability tests and other evaluation methods
    • Types of usability tests
    • Preparing a usability test
    • Conducting a usability test
    • Documenting and communicating usability test results
    • Preparing and running a user survey
    • Questionnaires
    • Criteria
    • Documenting and communicating user survey results
    • Common problems
    • Formative evaluations
    • Summative evaluations
  • Process orchestration and use of methods
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Deliverables in usability engineering
  • Expert tipps

For whom is the training?

The certification is interesting for the following target group:

  • Product-/Project-/Quality-Manager
  • (User Interface) Designer
  • Software Developer
  • Analysists
  • Multimedia Designer and -developer
  • Web Designer
  • Marketing specialists

…as well as:

  • Anyone interested to gain knowledge in user centred development of services and products and want to become certified.
  • Stakeholder who work with usability experts and would like to know about the basics

The certification is to qualify people who work in Usability and User Experience.

How much does the training cost?

Our partner AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology offers 2 days of training (á approx. 8 hours) at our office in 1110 Vienna. The certification exam takes place after the training on the second day. The costs include catering and scripts. The costs are without VAT and per person.

  • 2 days of training
    Euro    920,-
    + Euro 300,- examination fees
    (240,- for members of GUPA)

The trainings are also availabe in English and/or in-house in your company.

Contact us personally for more information or register. 

Terms of cancellation

No-cost cancellation is possible until 14 days before the training starts. After that or at no-show, we will invoice 30% of the all round price.

Current training dates

Register now to ensure your place at the trainings for 2020! The trainings are conducted by our partner AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology.

  • Tuesday, 17.03. and Wednesday 18.03.2020
    each from ca. 9:00 – 17:30 hrs
    Exam: 18.03.2020 at 17:30 hrs
  • Wednesday, 03.06. and Thursday 04.06.2020
    each from ca. 9:00 – 17:30 hrs
    Exam: 04.06.2020 at 17:30 hrs

Please, register via Email .