Alina Köhler and Christine Kipke from the Center for Technology Experience at the AIT deliver some insight at this year’s Magic of Innovation conference on the 20th and 21st of September into „User Experience in Virtual and Augmented Reality“.
Positive User Experience is a significant criterion for sustainable economic success. Alina Köhler and Christine Kipke will let you know in their talk, how important it is to involve the user right from the beginning, even before thinking about development or implementation and what kind of various views need to be thought about throughout the whole process from the idea to the usage. Right after the talk, a live demo of AR/VR glasses will show volunteers how their own personal user experience works.
Anyone interested to have a closer look at Augmented and Virtual Reality, can do so on both days at the booth of USECON and AIT. VR/AR experts will be there for visitors and guests who would like to experience “hands on”. Alina Köhler and Christine Kipke are looking forward to your visit.
More information about the talk can be found on the Event-Website.