Persuasion and Gamification

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Elements of the Design-Strategy and Subject of a Workshop

Design is influencing our doing enormously. Within a profound design strategy, elements of persuasion and gamification are often being integrated. These elements have the power to have an impact on success or failure of a system.

Do you want to get deeper into the matter? Don’t miss our workshop “Persuasion and Gamification” hold at the CRM & CX Forum.

Workshop “Persuasion and Gamification” at CRM & CX Forum in Vienna

“Inspiration for clients’ relationships in digital change“ as leading topic of the CRM & CX Forum in Vienna, organized by Business Circle from April 26th to 27th. Markus Murtinger holds a workshop about “Persuasion and Gamification“. The aim of this workshop is to clarify strategies in terms of gamification and persuasion and to create hands-on case studies.

Do you want to know more about how Persuasion and Gamification influence Experience Design?

Come and visit the CRM & CX Forum. Registration to the conference and accordingly to USECON’s workshop are possible at the event’s website. Please note, USECON’s clients will receive a special discount of 50% of the registration fee by using the code “USECON”. We are looking forward to meeting you there!


Persuasion and Gamification – what do we mean by this

The topic of „Motivation“ was already the central element of the RoX conference in 2017. In particular the top-class speakers were talking about how motivation influences user experience design. Two relevant design strategies relating to motivation are persuasion and gamification. For us, these two concepts help us to create a profound theory and to decide the right ideas. So, what do we mean exactly by this?


Design is influencing our doing significantly. Persuasive elements provide impulses and motivations to do specific activities more easily. In other words, how is it possible to persuade users to do actions we would like them to do. The design strategy and the concept design determine the persuasive methodologies which will fit the tasks and meet the needs of the target groups. Thereby, we use persuasive elements like shortage, authority and emotion.


Let’s face it, who does not like playing games? In this context, we need to answer the most important question “why like users to play or not to play“. Relevant gamification elements like attainment, self-determination or status help to answer the “why” question. The design strategy examines and integrate these gamification elements from the user’s point of view.

Would you like to get more information about the influence of persuasion and gamification elements on experience design? How can you integrate persuasion and gamification into your business projects? Please do not hesitate to contact Michael Bechinie or Markus Murtinger.

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